Issue Eight ContributorsEmily Toder is the author of Aging (Gauss PDF) and Beachy Head (Coconut Books) as well as the chapbooks No Land, Brushes With and I Hear a Boat. She lives in Brooklyn, NY. Adam Tedesco is a founding editor of REALITY BEACH and analyzes dreams for Drunk In A Midnight Choir. His recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Funhouse, Fanzine, Fence, Hobart, SPRTS, Plinth and elsewhere. He is the author of several chapbooks, most recently HEART SUTRA (REALITY BEACH), and ABLAZA (Lithic Press). His brain's the cliff, his heart's the bitter buffalo. Peter Jay Shippy is the author of 4 books of poetry. The most recent is, A spell of songs (Saturnalia Books). About that book, John Yau wrote, "One day, not long ago, Meret Oppenheim walked past Edward Hopper in Paris, and an electric current passed between, and from that current was born Peter Jay Shippy...." Twice his work has appeared in The Best American Poetry series. Thibault Raoult is author of three books—Person Hour, Disposable Epics, and «Pro(m)bois(e)»—and editor of RealPoetik. He performs with experimental pop ensemble Historic Sunsets. Liana Peacock is an interdisciplinary artist living in Montreal, Quebec. They study at Concordia University and keep bees, not at the same time. Their tweets can be found @pointbreakfast Alexis Orgera is the author of two books of poems, How Like Foreign Objects and Dust Jacket. Her most recent poems and essays can be found in Carolina Quarterly, Copper Nickel, Denver Quarterly, Drunken Boat, Gulf Coast, Prairie Schooner, Tarpaulin Sky, and Vinyl. She co-publishes Penny Candy Books, a children’s book press, with poet Chad Reynolds and lives in Savannah, GA. Kevin McLellan is the author of Hemispheres (Fact-Simile Editions, forthcoming), [box] (Letter [r] Press, 2016), Tributary (Barrow Street, 2015), and Round Trip (Seven Kitchens, 2010). He won the 2015 Third Coast Poetry Prize and Gival Press’ 2016 Oscar Wilde Award, and his poems have appeared in several journals including: American Letters & Commentary, Colorado Review, Crazyhorse, Kenyon Review, Sonora Review, West Branch, Western Humanities Review, and Witness. Kevin lives in Cambridge, MA. Mark Mansfield's poems have appeared in The Adirondack Review, Bayou, Blue Mesa Review, The Evansville Review, Fourteen Hills, The Ledge, Limestone, Magma, Salt Hill, Scrivener, Tulane Review, Unsplendid, and elsewhere. He was a 2015 Pushcart Prize nominee. Currently, he lives in upstate New York. Billy Cancel has recently appeared in Blazevox, Gobbet & West Wind Review. His latest body of work PSYCHO'CLOCK is out on Hidden House Press. Billy Cancel is 1/2 of the noise/pop duo Tidal Channel. Sound poems, visual shorts and other aberrations can be found at Molly Brodak is the author of A Little Middle of the Night (University of Iowa Press, 2010) and Bandit: A Daughter's Memoir (Grove Atlantic, 2016). She lives in Atlanta. Hera Lindsay Bird is a poet from Wellington. Her debut, self titled collection Hera Lindsay Bird was published by Victoria University Press in 2016. Her interests include snakes and murders ocurring on trains. |